This will be our traditional Adopt-A-Highway ride, so please bring some extra shoes so you can stop to help clean up our sponsored section of road.
Also, this may be a limited support ride depending on volunteers. There will only be 1 SAG and limited supported rest stops. There are some fuel stations along the routes that you can use if necessary.
We will be riding from Stephen F Austin State Park. Arrive early (7:30am) to ensure enough time to get your gear ready and hear the safety and ride announcements. We roll out at 8 am.
Riders will need to pay their own park entrance fees, $5 PER PERSON or use their membership. NOTE: you encouraged to register online before arriving. Park in the day parking area only (first left after entering through the main gate). link to Park map
COVID: For the safety of all riders and volunteers it is important that we all follow the guidelines. Whilst this is outside it is important to follow some basic rules. Please review the SCC Covid Guidelines
VOLUNTEERS: SCC rides are volunteer supported. Sign up early to help your club run smoothly. Let's avoid the last minute pleads for help.
- Equipment Managers must have a vehicle to haul a trailer to/from the ride. Vehicle must be 6 cyl or *3,000* lbs towing power.
- Early Season Coaches must have attended a GRS class in the past 3 years, have confident bike skills, and have ridden with the club the previous season.
- SAG, Rest Stop Hosts, Sign-in Host, Food Purchaser...
eMail with questions
PREPARATION: Make sure to prepare yourself during the week so Friday evening you can relax and sleep easy knowing you are ready for the training ride. Preparing yourself and your equipment will minimize the need for assistance during the ride.
Bike - ABC Check. If you have not ridden your bike for a while then check carefully, oil the chain, ride around the block
- Contact your Local Bike Shop early if repairs are needed
- Clothing, Gloves - with layered options, weather is looking excellent for January but it could start chilly
- Helmet, Shoes - check the clips
- Water Bottles - check they are clean especially inside the mouthpiece for old gatorade residue
- Lights - Batteries charged or replaced
- GPS Device - charged, routes downloaded - review the routes on Ride with GPS or the PDF, be familiar with your options before the ride morning
- Mirror - once you've tried it you will not look back check at your LBS or online
BIKE SAFETY: MS 150 Education
Be aware of your surroundings – Be observant and scan the horizon ahead. Slow down at turns as there maybe gravel/sand/debris on the side of the roads. Roads can often be slippery due to the morning mist.
Communication – It is very important to communicate with other riders when riding in a group. Call out- debris, gravel, loose sand, pot holes, train tracks, any hazard small or big, car up, car back! If the rider in front of you calls out a hazard, you should call it out too so that the rider behind you is aware of it. Call out the hazard and if it's some debris on the road, point at it when possible so that riders afar who may not hear you but can see your gesture would be aware of the hazard.
Pace line – One must be extra cautious while riding in a pace line. One mistake can cause a series of accidents! Only ride with people you know and trust. If you are joining a pace line, it is very important to let the person in front of you know that you are riding behind him or her. If you don’t know the person in front don’t ride close to their wheel, maintain safe distance. Always be vigilant of the pace of the person in front of you and also your surroundings!

Parking: Start Location is
Stephen F Austin around the camping loop
Weather Forecast for the Ride
Ride With GPS Route Maps for Stephen F Austin
PDF printable map
- Short - 34 miles - RS#1 13 miles, RS#2 19 miles
- Medium - 46 miles - RS#1 13 miles, RS#2 31 miles
- Ultra - 61 miles - RS#1 13 miles, RS#2 31 miles, RS#3 47 miles
- Click on the Route you want in RWG, then click "Print map and cue sheet" to get the printable turn list.
- Access RWG from your mobile device or through their website. sign in to your RWG account. All SCC members should register the first time on the Ride With GPS Slb Cycling Club site to access the routes which are only visible to Members: This link provides an auto Join to the SCC Club account.
- If you already have a RWG account then sign-in
- If you do not have a RWG account then create one. You only need the starter (free) account
- Members do NOT have to ask to be a friend of any one else's personnel RWG account to access the SCC routes
- Members do NOT have to have a paid RWG account to access the SCC routes
- RWG provides route output in multiple formats especially for digital GPS devices (Garmin, Wahoo etc) and also mobile Apps for iPhone and Android.
- The format for GPS devices includes the Turn by Turn indications using the TCX or FIT formats. Check the best format for your device.
- The RWG mobile Apps provide Voice Navigation and Offline Maps with no need to use data whilst riding. The Voice and Notification for navigation still works with the screen off. Users can install the RWG App on their device, sign in with their RWG account (created above). The SCC Events and Routes will automatically appear under My Club when published.
- RWG is NOT being used for Event sign-up, Members must still register for each ride on the SCC webpage.